Most of the time Jade Valerie is disappearing into the studio to compose and record with her longtime producer Geo. However, she is very passionate about collaborating with other artists and writers. In the past she has collaborated with Hamasaki Ayumi in Japan, the girl band "S.H.E." in Taiwan, and Baek Ji Young in Korea. This year we will have the pleasure of seeing her team up with the very unique Kim Dong Wan for "You Don't Know Me".
大部分時間Jade Valerie消失在螢光幕前進入錄音室與他長期合作的製作人Geo一起作曲和錄音. 然而, 她非常的熱切希望能夠與其他藝人和作詞曲家合作. 過去, 她曾經與日本的濱崎步, 台灣的S.H.E., 韓國的白智英合作過. 今年, 我們很高興看到他與無比魅力的金烔完合作”You Don’t Know Me.”

Jade says:
"I noticed Dong Wan first time in Japan with Shinhwa. I was still signed to Avex at the time and they released BOA whom I like a lot. In 2004 Shinhwa toured Japan, and I was impressed with the phenomenon of Korean artists becoming more and more successful
as actors and artists in Japan. So when I went to Korea later that year to promote "Don..t Push Me" and "Life Is Cool" I checked out the band, and my favourite was Kim Dong Wan. The next time I noticed them was in 2006 when Shinhwa released an album in Japanese which hit the top ten single charts with "This is the sun in our hearts" and filled up Budokan Hall later that year. Quite impressive!
Jade說: “我第一次注意到烔完是在日本. 那時我還在Avex旗下, 且正好BOA進軍日本, 我也很喜歡BOA. 2004年神話在日本巡迴演出. 我非常驚訝這種韓流風潮. 越來越多的韓國藝人在日本發展成功. 所以年末當我到韓國宣傳Don’t Push Me”和”Life Is Cool”時, 我觀察了一下神話這團體, 而我最喜歡的是金烔完. 另一次我注意到神話是在2006年他們發行了日文專輯, 而”我們心中有太陽”還登上了10大單曲排行榜, 而在武道館的演唱會也爆滿. 真的印象很深刻.

When I came to Korea in March to start promoting my new album "Out of the Box" we were discussing possibilities of a duet in Korea. I loved the idea of working with Dong Wan. He has a great voice, is a good actor, and is extremely handsome! We also have many things in common: we have both been in the music business a long time and were both signed at a young age, both have been discovered for an act "Shinhwa and Sweetbox", and both of us have set up our own business behind our career H2 Entertainment (Seoul) and J-Art (Tokyo)."
當我3月去韓國宣傳新專輯”Out of the Box”時, 就有在討論與韓國藝人合唱的可能性. 我很喜歡與烔完合作的這個主意. 他歌聲好, 演技好, 而且還非常的帥! 我們還有許多共通點呢 : 我們做音樂都有很長的一段時間了, 年紀輕輕的就簽約了, 同是團體中的一員, 且在韓國與日本隸屬同一家唱片公司.”

Kim Dong Wan says:
"I have been a fan of Jade for a long time. As Shinhwa we travelled a lot
in many Asian countries I heard her voice the first time in Japan. At that time she was promoting her first Sweetbox album "Classified". I fell in love with her vocals and lyrics right away. When I was told that Jade was interested in doing a duet with me, I did not hesitate for second! I am really happy to have a chance to work with her. I worked hard in the studio to make this a great duet, for Jade's fans as well as my own. I am looking forward to performing it live one day with her, and hope that day comes soon."
金烔完說 : 我一直是Jade的歌迷. 做為神話, 我們在亞洲許多國家巡迴演出. 我第一次聽到她的歌聲是在日本. 那時她正好在宣傳Sweetbox的Classified專輯. 我愛上了她的歌聲和歌詞. 當我被告知Jade有興趣與我合唱時, 我沒有一點遲疑! 我真的非常開心能與她合作. 在錄音室我很用心的唱, 不僅為了Jade的歌迷, 也為了我自己的歌迷. 我期望有一天可以和她現場演出這首歌. 希望這天能快點來臨.

來源: Jade Valerie官網
翻譯: nicky72128@JUNJIN TAIWAN



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